Flash Card Maker Testimonials
Beyond classroom learning, StudyX also helps those with a passion for learning. Jay Brandt wanted to learn Spanish to communicate with the Peruvian family he connected with during a mission trip. Brandt had tried several flash card programs and StudyX. I liked StudyX better because I didn't have to be online, I could create or import my own lists, and there were lots of study options beyond flash cards. He visited the Peruvian family recently and plans more trips. I give myself an A- in Spanish now. (StudyX includes 1000 vocabulary words each in 48 languages, including Spanish.)
64-Year-Old Software Industry Veteran Who Wanted to Learn Spanish
Jay Brandt

My son has a disability that makes handwriting difficult. Each week he must make notecards for new vocabulary words and every 2 weeks make a study guide or practice test. Your software has made it possible for him to complete these assignments independently. If he had to do them by hand or of his own design on the computer it would take him hours. He is in regular classes and is bright as anything. Thank you for helping him shine. …he reformats them, prints them out on label paper and sticks them onto index cards which works quite well.
Disabled Student’s Mother
Peggy Conner
Study X has proved helpful to our students... who like to work with computers and are easily bored by routine activities. While we all know that it takes numerous repetitions to learn new terms and information, many students don't have the patience to make the cards that have long been the most common method used to achieve this goal. The sheer act of entering the terms and definitions as well as questions and answers provides a number of repetitions. Then students learn painlessly because they find that "playing Study X games are much more interesting than going over and over boring cards." Because students are mastering computer skills at earlier ages, Study X should prove beneficial to students from the second grade through college.
Patricia A. McLeese, Ph. D.
Director, Academic Resource Center – Webster University
"This flash card maker has been very helpful for me as a solitary learner to really know that I know my material. I appreciate the many tools it offers, and the ease of movement from one part of the program to another. A very well-rounded program."
StudyX User
Charlotte B
I am in Medical school and needed software to help me study. I tried several programs but found that they were either poorly developed or unhelpful for advanced studies. Study X was definitely the best product... Makes studying easy and fast...
Medical Student
I am studying for a law degree and have a terrible memory. I was trying to memorize case history details for a closed book exam. With StudyX, my final grade was an A+. I probably topped the class of about 300 people. Effective, simple-to-use software? You decide.
Mature Age Law Student
Peter D
While my son was using StudyX, he was getting 90% on his Latin vocabulary quizzes. Even his teacher asked him what he was doing differently, since he used to get 40-50%. He then decided he was just going to study using a hard copy of the words. BIG MISTAKE. His scores plummeted again.
Mother of Latin Student
Thanks a million. Great program, I like the games and all the options you included with this program its the best one I have found.
StudyX User
Tracy Silva
Study X is undoubtedly the No 1 study software in the world. I strongly recommend it to everyone who really wants to improve their grades.
Blessan Pandian
Student in India
One of the things I love about StudyX is that it makes it fun to study. I was thoroughly impressed with the built-in study material. When my son heard he had answered correct, he shouted "Yes! Woohoo!" That is something I have never heard him say when studying from paper and ink!
Product Review - Go YAY
Not only is the program set up to help you study, it also has some great games that challenge you to think about what you are studying as well as having fun along the way.
“I also shared it [StudyX] with my wife who is an elementary school teacher and she was amazed at the capabilities of the program and thought that it would be a great study resource for any child!”
Product Review - Dad of Divas